As an integrated partner in your project to develop a „Proprietary Engine Control System“ we take care of the essential development tasks and we actively support you from the concept phase up to the series production!
We transfer the technical Basic-Know-How for the electronic engine management into your development team and we provide an efficient implementation into the final product!
On demand we take on the project management in technology and process organization in co-ordination with your responsible persons. Use our experience and our networks for your development process!
ECE has joined the the RIVER project: RIVER - Non Carbon River Boat Powered by Combustion Engines
Due to stronger environmental standard aims, the European Union (EU) has recently adopted more stringent limits for emisssions from inland waterway vessels. The objective of RIVER-project is to facilitate the implementation of transnational low carbon solutions in transport systems to reduce GHC emissions in NWE. Thus, the goal of the project is to apply an oxyfuel combustion technology for diesel engines that eliminates NOx emissions, and to capture and store all CO2 emissions.
RIVER is co-financed by the European Union (North West Europe Interreg program). The project inludes 9 partners: YNCREA Hauts de France, University of Bedfordshire, Stichting STC group, Cleancarb, Canal & River Trust, Université de Picardie Jules Verne, Centre de Conseil et d´Innovation en Logistique - Transport & Logistique, ECE Engine Control Electronics GmbH, DST Entwicklungszentrum für Schiffstechnik und Transportsysteme e.V..